
Moderate Mag. 4.0 Earthquake – Taiwan Region on Friday, Mar 14, 2025, at 06:50 pm (GMT +8)

“)}e.setAttribute(“data-distAdded”,1)}}async filterEQ(e){if(document,this.magFilter=e,this.currMag){var s=Math.max(e,this.currMag.getAttribute(“data-baseVal”));if(this.currMag.innerText=s.toString(),this.magFilterBtns){let a=this.magFilterBtns.getElementsByClassName(“magFilter”);for(i=0;isetTimeout(e,1e3))),e!=this.distFilter){if(this.distFilter=e,this.currDistInfoKm&&(this.currDistInfoKm.innerText=e),this.currDistInfoMi&&(this.currDistInfoMi.innerText=Math.round(.62137*e)),e>this.currentMaxDist)return this.loadNewQuakes(500);this.applyFilters()}}async filterByAge(e){if(this.ageFilter=e,this.ageFilterBtns){let s=this.ageFilterBtns.getElementsByClassName(“ageFilter”);for(var a=0;a0&&(e.getAttribute(“data-mag”)&&parseFloat(e.getAttribute(“data-mag”))3&&e.getAttribute(“data-mag”)&&parseInt(e.getAttribute(“data-ea”))>0))return!1;if(this.ageFilter>0){if(this.referenceTime){if(e.getAttribute(“data-time”)&&this.referenceTime-parseInt(e.getAttribute(“data-time”))>this.ageFilter)return!1}else if(e.getAttribute(“data-time”)&&s-parseInt(e.getAttribute(“data-time”))>this.ageFilter)return!1}if(this.statusFilter&&e.getAttribute(“data-ea”)&&parseInt(e.getAttribute(“data-ea”))>0)return!1;if(this.distFilter>0){if(e.getAttribute(“data-dist”)&&parseFloat(e.getAttribute(“data-dist”))>this.distFilter)return!1;if(500==this.distFilter&&e.getAttribute(“data-dist”)&&e.getAttribute(“data-mag”)){let a=parseFloat(e.getAttribute(“data-mag”)),l=parseFloat(e.getAttribute(“data-dist”));if(a<2&&l>25||a<3&&l>50||a<4&&l>100||a<5&&l>200||a<6&&l>250||a<7&&l>300||l>500)return!1}}return!(“time”!=this.sortBy&&e.classList.contains(“tSpc”))}async applyFilters(e){var e=e||0;e||!this.loadMoreUrl||this.hasLoadedAll||(this.loadMoreRows(),await new Promise(e=>setTimeout(e,500)));let s=document,a=this.table.rows,l=0,r=Math.floor(Date.now()/1e3);for(let n=1;nsetTimeout(e,20)))}}let h=a.getElementsByClassName(“aStr”);nowUTC=Math.floor(Date.now()/1e3);for(let u=0;u“+writeRelAge(g,this.referenceTime)+”

“)}}async sortTable(e){if(this.isSorting)return;this.isSorting=1,this.table.rows(0).style.opacity=.5,(“mag”==e||”dep”==e)&&this.isMainTable&&!this.hasLoadedAll&&”function”==typeof loadMoreRows&&(this.hasLoadedAll=1,this.isSorting=0,this.loadMoreRows(),await new Promise(e=>setTimeout(e,1e3))),await new Promise(e=>setTimeout(e,200));let s=this.table,a=Array.from(s.querySelectorAll(“:scope > tbody > tr”));a.shift();let l=”desc”,r=e==this.sortBy;for(let n of(r&&”desc”==this.sortDir&&(l=”asc”),this.sortBy=e,this.sortDir=l,a.sort((s,a)=>{if(“time”==e){let r=parseInt(s.getAttribute(“data-time”)),n=parseInt(a.getAttribute(“data-time”));return”asc”==l?r-n:n-r}if(“dep”==e){let o=parseInt(s.getAttribute(“data-dep”)),d=parseInt(a.getAttribute(“data-dep”));return”asc”==l?o-d:d-o}let h=parseFloat(s.getAttribute(“data-mag”));isNaN(h)&&(h=0);let u=parseFloat(a.getAttribute(“data-mag”));return isNaN(u)&&(u=0),”asc”==l?h-u:u-h}),a))(“tSpc”==n.className||1==n.getAttribute(“data-ea”))&&(“time”==e?n.style.display=””:n.style.display=”none”),s.tBodies(0).appendChild(n);this.table.rows(0).style.opacity=1,this.isSorting=0,this.applyFilters()}async changeCircleSize(e){let s=this.map;s.circleScale*=e;for(let a=0;atimeAtCurRow?posFound=1:(elToInsertAfter=rows(curRowInd),curRowInd++)}else posFound=1;markThem&&(newTableRow.classList.add(“newQuake”),setTimeout(function(){removeMarking(newTableRow)},8e3)),elToInsertAfter.parentNode.insertBefore(newTableRow,elToInsertAfter.nextSibling),elToInsertAfter=rows(curRowInd),curRowInd++,newRows++,”undefined”!=typeof addQuakeToMap?eval(quake.js):setTimeout(function(){eval(quake.js)},100)}return newRows+updated>0&&(this.alternateBg(),”time”==this.sortBy&&”asc”==this.sortDir&&this.sortTable(“time”)),(newRows,updated)}assignMap(e){this.map=e}}

shakemap legend
Updated: Mar 14, 2025 11:06 GMT refresh

I felt this quake

Mag. 4.0 earthquake - Taiwan Region on Friday, Mar 14, 2025, at 06:50 pm (GMT +8)
Mag. 4.0 earthquake - Taiwan Region on Friday, Mar 14, 2025, at 06:50 pm (GMT +8)
Hint: Click on the image to see different maps of this quake!

16 minutes ago

Mar 14, 2025 10:50 GMT / Mar 14, 2025 06:50 pm (GMT +8)

Lat / Lng: 22.88 / 121.09: Taiwan Region

Source: EMSC

“;storedMarkers.push((‘quake-21554865′,22.88000,121.09000,’16 minutes ago: Mag. 4.0, Taiwan Region’,html,’quakes-6-24.png’,25,25,12,12,125));
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(show map)

(smaller) (bigger)

Nearby places

The closest larger town where the quake might have been felt is Kaohsiung, a city of 1.5 million people in Taiwan, in 85 km (53 mi) distance west of the epicenter. People likely experienced very weak shaking there. Several smaller towns and villages are located closer to the epicenter and might have experienced stronger shaking. In the capital of tw Taiwan Taiwan, Taipei, 246 km (153 mi) away from the epicenter, the earthquake could not be felt.
The following table shows some of the places that might have been affected (or not) by the shaking.

Distancemap icon72 Show on map Place Max. shaking intensity(*) Region Country
14 km (9 mi)SE of epicenter

Taitung(pop: 103,300)

IV: Light

67 km (42 mi)

SW of epicenter


(pop: 55,100)

II: Very weak

Pingtung, Taiwan
70 km (43 mi)

NW of epicenter


(pop: 16,600)

II: Very weak

Tainan, Taiwan
80 km (50 mi)

SW of epicenter


(pop: 47,700)

II: Very weak

Pingtung, Taiwan
85 km (53 mi)

W of epicenter


(pop: 1,519,700)

II: Very weak

87 km (54 mi)

W of epicenter


(pop: 233,700)

II: Very weak

Tainan, Taiwan
91 km (56 mi)

W of epicenter


(pop: 771,200)

II: Very weak

101 km (63 mi)

NW of epicenter


(pop: 39,900)

II: Very weak

Chiayi, Taiwan
102 km (64 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 17,700)

II: Very weak

Nantou, Taiwan
104 km (64 mi)

S of epicenter


(pop: 31,300)

II: Very weak

Pingtung, Taiwan
106 km (66 mi)

NW of epicenter


(pop: 44,100)

II: Very weak

Nantou, Taiwan
108 km (67 mi)

NW of epicenter


(pop: 104,700)

II: Very weak

Yunlin, Taiwan
109 km (68 mi)

NW of epicenter


(pop: 16,900)

II: Very weak

Yunlin, Taiwan
110 km (68 mi)

NW of epicenter


(pop: 19,300)

II: Very weak

Chiayi, Taiwan
111 km (69 mi)

NW of epicenter


(pop: 33,300)

II: Very weak

Yunlin, Taiwan
115 km (71 mi)

NW of epicenter


(pop: 25,000)

II: Very weak

Yunlin, Taiwan
121 km (75 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 86,400)

II: Very weak

Nantou, Taiwan
123 km (77 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 105,700)

II: Very weak

124 km (77 mi)

NW of epicenter


(pop: 36,600)

II: Very weak

Changhua, Taiwan
127 km (79 mi)

N of epicenter

Zhongxing New Village

(pop: 25,500)

II: Very weak

Nantou, Taiwan
129 km (80 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 96,800)

II: Very weak

Nantou, Taiwan
131 km (81 mi)

NW of epicenter


(pop: 124,700)

II: Very weak

Changhua, Taiwan
133 km (83 mi)

NE of epicenter

Hualien City

(pop: 350,500)

II: Very weak

Hualien, Taiwan
135 km (84 mi)

NW of epicenter


(pop: 47,000)

II: Very weak

Changhua, Taiwan
138 km (86 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 65,600)

II: Very weak

Taichung, Taiwan
147 km (91 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 1,040,700)

II: Very weak

157 km (98 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 40,500)

II: Very weak

Taichung, Taiwan
161 km (100 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 28,600)

II: Very weak

Taichung, Taiwan
172 km (107 mi)

NW of epicenter


(pop: 56,400)

II: Very weak

Penghu, Taiwan
214 km (133 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 404,100)

I: Not felt

219 km (136 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 94,200)

I: Not felt

224 km (139 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 94,200)

I: Not felt

Taoyuan, Taiwan
229 km (142 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 209,100)

I: Not felt

Taoyuan, Taiwan
230 km (143 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 115,200)

I: Not felt

New Taipei City, Taipei
232 km (144 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 87,900)

I: Not felt

New Taipei City, Taipei
236 km (147 mi)

N of epicenter

Taoyuan City

(pop: 402,000)

I: Not felt

Taoyuan, Taiwan
237 km (147 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 180,000)

I: Not felt

New Taipei City, Taipei
240 km (149 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 543,300)

I: Not felt

New Taipei City, Taipei
246 km (153 mi)

N of epicenter


(pop: 7,871,900)

I: Not felt


(*) Shaking intensity according to the Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale (MMI) and estimated using seismic models.

User-reports for this quake

Mag. 4.0 earthquake - Taiwan Region on Friday, Mar 14, 2025, at 06:50 pm (GMT +8)

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Compare Quake Data

Data for the same earthquake as reported by different agencies

The more agencies report about the same quake and post similar data, the more confidence you can have in the data. It takes normally up to a few hours until earthquake parameters are calculated with near-optimum precision.

Mag Depth Time GMT


Epicenter Agency
4.0 6.6 km

4.1 mi

10:50:12.7 TAIWAN REGION EMSC (European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre)

HTMLcontent += “


mainMap.addToMap(“station”+id, lat, lon, title,HTMLcontent);


Seismic station Taitung: vertical movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.2-10.0 Hz. Source: IRIS Buffer of Uniform Data (BUD) webtool

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Seismic station Taitung: horizontal (E-W) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station Taitung: horizontal (N-S) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station: Yuli (YULB/TW network) | Distance from quake: 61 km / 38 mi | Show on map | Station Info
Seismic station Yuli: vertical movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.2-10.0 Hz. Source: IRIS Buffer of Uniform Data (BUD) webtool
Seismic station Yuli: horizontal (E-W) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station Yuli: horizontal (N-S) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station: Ninganchiao (NACB/TW network) | Distance from quake: 153 km / 95 mi | Show on map | Station Info
Seismic station Ninganchiao: vertical movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.2-10.0 Hz. Source: IRIS Buffer of Uniform Data (BUD) webtool
Seismic station Ninganchiao: horizontal (E-W) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station Ninganchiao: horizontal (N-S) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station: Yeheng (YHNB/TW network) | Distance from quake: 201 km / 125 mi | Show on map | Station Info
Seismic station Yeheng: vertical movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.2-10.0 Hz. Source: IRIS Buffer of Uniform Data (BUD) webtool
Seismic station Yeheng: horizontal (E-W) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station Yeheng: horizontal (N-S) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station: Taipei, Taiwan (TATO/IU network) | Distance from quake: 236 km / 147 mi | Show on map | Station Info
Seismic station Taipei, Taiwan: vertical movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.2-10.0 Hz. Source: IRIS Buffer of Uniform Data (BUD) webtool
Seismic station Taipei, Taiwan: horizontal (E-W) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station Taipei, Taiwan: horizontal (N-S) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station: Okinawa Kunigami (JOW/JP network) | Distance from quake: 847 km / 527 mi | Show on map | Station Info
Seismic station Okinawa Kunigami: vertical movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.2-5.0 Hz. Source: IRIS Buffer of Uniform Data (BUD) webtool
Seismic station Okinawa Kunigami: horizontal (E-W) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station Okinawa Kunigami: horizontal (N-S) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station: Minamidaitojima Island (JMZ/JP network) | Distance from quake: 1077 km / 669 mi | Show on map | Station Info
Seismic station Minamidaitojima Island: vertical movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismogram (vertical component) around time of quake. Thin dotted red line indicates time of quake. Seismic waves arrive some time later, depending on distance. Bandpass filter applied: 0.2-5.0 Hz. Source: IRIS Buffer of Uniform Data (BUD) webtool
Seismic station Minamidaitojima Island: horizontal (E-W) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)
Seismic station Minamidaitojima Island: horizontal (N-S) movement plot around time of quake (source: IRIS/BUD)

Aftershocks for this quake

No aftershocks have been recorded so far. When aftershocks are detected, we will update this section.

Recorded aftershocks, latest first (0 quake)

Mar 14, 2025 06:50 pm (GMT +8)
16 minutes ago


6.6 km

0 km – This quake Taiwan Region

Main Shock (this quake)


Map of aftershocks

Earthquake statistics

Average number of earthquakes

Based on data from the past 25 years and our earthquake archive back to 1900, there are about 95 quakes on average per year in the area near the epicenter of this quake (within 100 km/61 mi):

  • Mag. 7 or higher: 0.14 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 7.1 years)
  • Mag. 6 or higher: 0.83 quakes per year (or 1 quake every 1.2 years)
  • Mag. 5 or higher: 5.2 quakes per year
  • Mag. 4 or higher: 64 quakes per year (or 5.4 quakes per month)
  • Mag. 3 or higher: 90 quakes per year (or 7.5 quakes per month)
  • Mag. 2 or higher: 1,900 quakes per year (or 5.2 quakes per day)
  • Mag. 1 or higher: 5,400 quakes per year (or 14.7 quakes per day)

The area where this quake occurred has a very high level of seismic activity. It has had at least 17 quakes above magnitude 7 since 1900, which suggests that larger earthquakes of this size occur infrequently, probably on average approximately every 5 to 10 years.

Number of quakes per year

Previous quakes in the same area of this earthquake

The earthquake occurred 13 hours after a magnitude 4.0 earthquake had hit on Friday, Mar 14, 2025, at 05:44 am local time (Asia/Taipei GMT +8) in 1.1 km (0.7 mi) distance to the north:
The largest quake near the epicenter of this quake during the 10 years before was an event of magnitude 7.4. It had occurred 49 weeks earlier, on Wednesday, Apr 3, 2024, at 07:58 am local time (Asia/Taipei GMT +8) in tw Taiwan 
The strongest-ever (since 1900) recorded quake in this area measured magnitude 8.2. It had occurred 105 years ago earlier, on Saturday, Jun 5, 1920, at 04:21 am local time (Universal Time GMT +0) in Okinawa, tw Taiwan Taiwan:

Below is a list and map of (larger or recent) quakes that had occurred near the area of the epicenter before this earthquake (within up to 100 km/61 mi distance, up to 300 km/183 mi for very large quakes above mag. 7). Filter the list to limit the number to show, by magnitude or time before.

Max results10


Time before
48 hours
1 week
30 days
1 year
5 years
30 years
Any age

Date and Timesort Mag
Distance Location Details Map
Mar 14, 05:44 am (Taipei)


6.4 km

1.1 km (0.7 mi) to the N tw Taiwan 16 km north of Taitung, TaiwanI FELT IT Info
Mar 13, 01:09 pm (Taipei)


27 km

49 km (30 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 53 km northeast of Taitung, TaiwanI FELT IT1 report Info
Mar 6, 08:08 am (Taipei)


13 km

69 km (43 mi) to the N tw Taiwan 64 km southwest of Hualien City, Taiwan Info
Mar 5, 09:27 pm (Taipei)


20 km

66 km (41 mi) to the NW tw Taiwan 27 km northeast of Yongkang, Taiwan 3 reports Info
Feb 28, 01:02 pm (Taipei)


28 km

52 km (32 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 60 km northeast of Taitung, Taiwan Info
Apr 3, 2024 07:58 am (Taipei)


40 km

118 km (73 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 16 km south of Hualien City, Taiwan 232 reports Info
Sep 18, 2022 02:44 pm (Taipei)


10 km

39 km (24 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan 47 km northeast of Taitung, Taiwan 42 reports Info
Sep 17, 2022 09:41 pm (Taipei)


10 km

43 km (26 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 49 km northeast of Taitung, Taiwan 65 reports Info
Mar 23, 2022 01:41 am (Taipei)


24 km

77 km (48 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan 65 km S of Hualien City, Taiwan 89 reports Info
Feb 6, 2016 03:57 am (Taipei)


32 km

33 km (20 mi) to the W tw Taiwan Kaohsiung, 39 km west of Taitung, Taiwan 59 reports Info
Feb 14, 2015 04:06 am (Taipei)


27 km

49 km (30 mi) to the SE tw Taiwan Taiwan Region 15 reports Info
Oct 31, 2013 08:02 pm (Taipei)


10 km

87 km (54 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan 46 km south of Hualien City, Taiwan 23 reports Info
Jun 2, 2013 01:43 pm (Taipei)


17 km

101 km (63 mi) to the N tw Taiwan 26 km southeast of Puli, Taiwan 24 reports Info
Mar 4, 2010 08:18 am (Taipei)


21 km

31 km (19 mi) to the W tw Taiwan 41 km SE of Yujing, Taiwan Info
Oct 4, 2009 01:36 am (Taipei)


28 km

91 km (57 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan 42 km south of Hualien City, Taiwan Info
Jan 25, 2007 06:59 pm (GMT +8)


36 km

93 km (58 mi) to the E tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 69 km northeast of Lan Yu Island, Taiwan Info
Dec 26, 2006 08:26 pm (GMT +8)


10 km

133 km (82 mi) to the SW tw Taiwan 30 km SW of Hengchun, Taiwan Info
Apr 1, 2006 06:02 pm (Taipei)


9 km

19 km (12 mi) to the E tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 18 km northeast of Taitung, Taiwan Info
May 19, 2004 03:04 pm (Taipei)


20 km

49 km (30 mi) to the SE tw Taiwan 39 km east of Taitung, Taiwan Info
Dec 10, 2003 12:38 pm (Taipei)


10 km

33 km (21 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 38 km northeast of Taitung, Taiwan Info
Jun 10, 2003 04:40 pm (Taipei)


45 km

90 km (56 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 51 km south of Hualien City, Taiwan Info
Mar 31, 2002 02:52 pm (GMT +8)


33 km

191 km (119 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 67 km northeast of Hualien City, Taiwan Info
Nov 2, 1999 01:53 am (Taipei)


33 km

71 km (44 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 67 km south of Hualien City, Taiwan Info
Sep 26, 1999 07:52 am (Taipei)


17 km

96 km (59 mi) to the N tw Taiwan 32 km southeast of Puli, Taiwan Info
Sep 22, 1999 08:14 am (Taipei)


26 km

95 km (59 mi) to the N tw Taiwan 33 km southeast of Puli, Taiwan Info
Sep 21, 1999 05:46 am (Taipei)


33 km

58 km (36 mi) to the N tw Taiwan Kaohsiung, 72 km north of Taitung, Taiwan Info
Sep 21, 1999 02:03 am (Taipei)


33 km

80 km (50 mi) to the N tw Taiwan 55 km southwest of Hualien City, Taiwan Info
Sep 21, 1999 01:47 am (Taipei)


33 km

100 km (62 mi) to the N tw Taiwan 21 km S of Puli, Taiwan Info
Aug 3, 1989 07:31 pm (GMT +8)


10.7 km

91 km (57 mi) to the E tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 90 km east of Taitung, Taiwan Info
Nov 15, 1986 05:20 am (Taipei)


34 km

124 km (77 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan 9 km south of Hualien City, Taiwan Info
Dec 23, 1978 07:23 pm (GMT +8)


33 km

109 km (68 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 94 km southeast of Hualien City, Taiwan Info
Jul 23, 1978 10:42 pm (Taipei)


17 km

79 km (49 mi) to the SE tw Taiwan Taiwan region Info
Apr 24, 1972 05:57 pm (Taipei)


22 km

89 km (55 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 46 km south of Hualien City, Taiwan Info
Jan 25, 1972 11:41 am (GMT +8)


25 km

94 km (58 mi) to the E tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 93 km northeast of Taitung, Taiwan Info
Jan 25, 1972 10:06 am (GMT +8)


25 km

124 km (77 mi) to the E tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 99 km northeast of Lan Yu Island, Taiwan Info
Mar 13, 1966 01:31 am (GMT +9)


30 km

206 km (128 mi) to the NE jp Japan Taiwan region (Japan) Info
Aug 15, 1959 04:57 pm (Taipei)


25 km

89 km (55 mi) to the S tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 38 km east of Hengchun, Taiwan Info
Nov 25, 1951 02:50 am (Taipei)


30 km

27 km (17 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan Taiwan Info
Nov 25, 1951 02:47 am (Taipei)


25 km

25 km (15 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan 81 km E of Yujing, Taiwan Info
Oct 22, 1951 05:34 am (Taipei)


25 km

75 km (46 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan 58 km south of Hualien City, Taiwan Info
Dec 16, 1941 07:19 pm (Universal Time)


15 km

82 km (51 mi) to the NW tw Taiwan 19 km north of Yujing, Taiwan Info
Sep 1, 1922 07:16 pm (Universal Time)


20 km

189 km (118 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 59 km northeast of Hualien City, Taiwan Info
Jun 5, 1920 04:21 am (Universal Time)


20 km

126 km (78 mi) to the NE tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 48 km southeast of Hualien City, Taiwan Info
Dec 20, 1919 08:37 pm (Universal Time)


20 km

81 km (51 mi) to the SE tw Taiwan Philippine Sea, 59 km northeast of Lan Yu Island, Taiwan Info

Map of earlier quakes in the area of this quake

Max results10


Time before
48 hours
1 week
30 days
1 year
5 years
30 years
Any age

Oldest quakes are shown in yellow, most recent in red.
(quakes –) (quakes +) (smaller) (bigger)

16 minutes ago

Mar 14, 2025 10:50 GMT / Mar 14, 2025 06:50 pm (GMT +8)

Lat / Lng: 22.88 / 121.09: Taiwan Region

Source: EMSC

‘,4.0,40, ‘#bb202a’, 0.9,1.5, ‘#bb202a’, 0.27);map2.addToMap(‘thisQuake’,22.88,121.09,’16 minutes ago: Mag. 4.0, Taiwan Region’,’

Earthquake: Mag 4.0 / 6.6 km (4.1 mi) depth

16 minutes ago

Mar 14, 2025 10:50 GMT / Mar 14, 2025 06:50 pm (GMT +8)

Lat / Lng: 22.88 / 121.09: Taiwan Region

Source: EMSC

// this will be local to this table obj
function putQuakeOnMap(id,lat,lon,time,title,html,mag,zIndex) {
qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2930371);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2930371′,22.529,121.787,-1578885746,’Dec 20, 1919 08:37 pm (Universal Time): Mag. 7.4, Taiwan region’,”,7.4,74);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2930388);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2930388′,23.688,121.954,-1564429105,’Jun 5, 1920 04:21 am (Universal Time): Mag. 8.2, 47 km SE of Hualien City, Taiwan’,”,8.2,82);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2930478);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2930478′,24.364,122,-1493700233,’Sep 1, 1922 07:16 pm (Universal Time): Mag. 7.6, 50 km SSE of Yilan, Taiwan’,”,7.6,76);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2937185);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2937185′,23.29,120.419,-884925617,’Dec 16, 1941 07:19 pm (Universal Time): Mag. 7.2, 18 km NNW of Yujing, Taiwan’,”,7.2,72);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2942245);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2942245′,23.487,121.4,-574223139,’Oct 22, 1951 05:34 am (GMT +8): Mag. 7.4, Taiwan’,”,7.4,74);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2942344);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2942344′,23.046,121.249,-571295562,’Nov 25, 1951 02:47 am (GMT +8): Mag. 7.3, 81 km E of Yujing, Taiwan’,”,7.3,73);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2942345);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2942345′,23.092,121.214,-571295376,’Nov 25, 1951 02:50 am (GMT +8): Mag. 7.8, Taiwan’,”,7.8,78);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2948429);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2948429′,22.078,121.105,-327596574,’Aug 15, 1959 04:57 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 7.2, Taiwan region’,”,7.2,72);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(2958212);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-2958212′,24.122,122.583,-120122920,’Mar 13, 1966 01:31 am (GMT +9): Mag. 7.5, Taiwan region (Japan)’,”,7.5,75);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3001910);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3001910′,22.632,122.269,65153184,’Jan 25, 1972 10:06 am (GMT +8): Mag. 7.3, Taiwan region’,”,7.3,73);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3001913);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3001913′,23.107,121.974,65158884,’Jan 25, 1972 11:41 am (GMT +8): Mag. 7.1, 103 km SSE of Hualien City, Taiwan’,”,7.1,71);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3004373);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3004373′,23.564,121.539,72957441,’Apr 24, 1972 05:57 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 7.0, 46 km S of Hualien City, Taiwan’,”,7.0,70);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3039540);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3039540′,22.282,121.512,270052956,’Jul 23, 1978 10:42 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 7.4, Taiwan region’,”,7.4,74);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3041040);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3041040′,23.247,122.075,283260192,’Dec 23, 1978 07:23 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 7.0, 94 km SSE of Hualien City, Taiwan’,”,7.0,70);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3061491);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3061491′,23.901,121.574,532387210,’Nov 15, 1986 05:20 am (GMT +8): Mag. 7.4, 8 km SSW of Hualien City, Taiwan’,”,7.4,74);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3067271);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3067271′,23.043,121.965,618147080,’Aug 3, 1989 07:31 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 6.6, 109 km SSE of Hualien City, Taiwan’,”,6.6,66);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3092582);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3092582′,23.772,120.982,937849638,’Sep 21, 1999 01:47 am (GMT +8): Mag. 7.7, 21 km S of Puli, Taiwan’,”,7.7,77);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3092589);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3092589′,23.57,121.299,937850624,’Sep 21, 1999 02:03 am (GMT +8): Mag. 6.3, 54 km SW of Hualien City, Taiwan’,”,6.3,63);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3092603);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3092603′,23.39,120.964,937864002,’Sep 21, 1999 05:46 am (GMT +8): Mag. 6.4, Taiwan’,”,6.4,64);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3092626);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3092626′,23.729,121.167,937959279,’Sep 22, 1999 08:14 am (GMT +8): Mag. 6.4, 33 km SE of Puli, Taiwan’,”,6.4,64);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3092676);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3092676′,23.738,121.158,938303568,’Sep 26, 1999 07:52 am (GMT +8): Mag. 6.5, 31 km SE of Puli, Taiwan’,”,6.5,65);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3092974);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3092974′,23.378,121.52,941478780,’Nov 2, 1999 01:53 am (GMT +8): Mag. 6.3, 66 km S of Hualien City, Taiwan’,”,6.3,63);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3102206);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3102206′,24.279,122.179,1017557570,’Mar 31, 2002 02:52 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 7.1, 67 km ENE of Hualien City, Taiwan’,”,7.1,71);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3106526);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3106526′,23.52,121.628,1055234430,’Jun 10, 2003 04:40 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 6.0, Taiwan’,”,6.0,60);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3108661);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3108661′,23.039,121.362,1071031091,’Dec 10, 2003 12:38 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 6.8, 92 km E of Yujing, Taiwan’,”,6.8,68);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3110407);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3110407′,22.662,121.505,1084950251,’May 19, 2004 03:04 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 6.2, Taiwan region’,”,6.2,62);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3145164);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3145164′,22.868,121.278,1143885739,’Apr 1, 2006 06:02 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 6.1, Taiwan region’,”,6.1,61);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3149809);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3149809′,21.799,120.547,1167135981,’Dec 26, 2006 08:26 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 7.1, 30 km SW of Hengchun, Taiwan’,”,7.1,71);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3150689);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3150689′,22.564,121.926,1169722757,’Jan 25, 2007 06:59 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 6.0, Taiwan region’,”,6.0,60);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3170971);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3170971′,23.63,121.452,1254591366,’Oct 4, 2009 01:36 am (GMT +8): Mag. 6.1, 41 km SSW of Hualien City, Taiwan’,”,6.1,61);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(3165508);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-3165508′,22.918,120.795,1267661931,’Mar 4, 2010 08:18 am (GMT +8): Mag. 6.3, 41 km SE of Yujing, Taiwan’,”,6.3,63);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(316780);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-316780′,23.789,121.141,1370151783,’Jun 2, 2013 01:43 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 6.2, 26 km SE of Puli, Taiwan’,”,6.2,62);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(485995);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-485995′,23.5904,121.4366,1383220928,’Oct 31, 2013 08:02 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 6.3, 46 km SSW of Hualien City, Taiwan’,”,6.3,63);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(933022);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-933022′,22.615,121.468,1423857992,’Feb 14, 2015 04:06 am (GMT +8): Mag. 6.1, Taiwan Region’,”,6.1,61);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(1233281);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-1233281′,22.849,120.774,1454702249,’Feb 6, 2016 03:57 am (GMT +8): Mag. 6.2, Taiwan’,”,6.2,62);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(6706926);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-6706926′,23.3839,121.6118,1647970898,’Mar 23, 2022 01:41 am (GMT +8): Mag. 6.7, 65 km S of Hualien City, Taiwan’,”,6.7,67);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(7035601);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-7035601′,23.1191,121.4138,1663422077,’Sep 17, 2022 09:41 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 6.5, 96 km SE of Lugu, Taiwan’,”,6.5,65);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(7037218);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-7037218′,23.138,121.3439,1663483453,’Sep 18, 2022 02:44 pm (GMT +8): Mag. 6.9, 90 km E of Yujing, Taiwan’,”,6.9,69);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(9015871);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-9015871′,23.8356,121.5976,1712102292,’Apr 3, 2024 07:58 am (GMT +8): Mag. 7.4, 15 km S of Hualien City, Taiwan’,”,7.4,74);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(21507769);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-21507769′,23.2339,121.4223,1740718967,’###AGEREP###: Mag. 4.2, 84 km SSW of Hualien City, Taiwan’,”,4.2,42);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(21525993);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-21525993′,23.1177,120.5007,1741181259,’###AGEREP###: Mag. 4.7, 4 km ESE of Yujing, Taiwan’,”,4.7,47);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(21527970);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-21527970′,23.47,121.31,1741219724,’###AGEREP###: Mag. 4.1, Taiwan’,”,4.1,41);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(21550975);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-21550975′,23.1142,121.4919,1741842580,’###AGEREP###: Mag. 5.2, 96 km S of Hualien City, Taiwan’,”,5.2,52);qTableOlder.quakeIds.push(21553080);putQuakeOnMap(‘quake-21553080′,22.89,121.09,1741902281,’###AGEREP###: Mag. 4.0, Taiwan Region’,”,4.0,40);(async function(){await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r,4000));map2.map.setZoom(7)})();



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